Friday 1 September 2017

Festivus - 13th June

On my trip down to London for the VR initiative I was amazed to see that Festivus was on on the same day! Such a brilliant coincidence, so I just had to go.

My first Festivus definitly won't be my last, it was one of the best and most successful networking sessions I have had. It is amazing what a little bit of drink does to people. Having just had a successful day at the VR initiative, I was brimming with confidence and excitement about VR which I bent many people's ears about.

 It was great talking purely to animators and people interested in animation rather than just all round VR techies, I felt I related to them more and could talk about things more relatable.

What the VR initiative made me realise is that where I thought I had done very little in VR, I have actually done a lot compared to many, therefore felt I didn't relate as well, but animation however I felt I could relate 100% which made talking to professionals so much easier. 

What Festivus made me realise is how much I love animation and telling stories.

I left with so many business cards, from a variety of different studios. What was so great was people approaching me, with it usually being the other way round, it was great to experience. 

It was the first networking session I have been to which is solely focussed on alcohol consumption, which I think is a reason to why it was the best. 

It was also brilliant catching up with people who I keep catching at the VR events I have attended. 

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