Thursday 31 August 2017

VR Diversity Initiative - 13th June

I was thrilled to get selected for Catherine Allen's VR Diversity Initiative One-Day Bootcamp, which meant a trip to London for the day!

Having never travelled to London on my own before I was slightly nervous but went great and it turned out to be a fantastic and valuable experience!

The day kicked off with a series of talks from industry professionals, talking about their VR projects and diversity within the industry. With VR being a relatively new industry, there is that chance to make it as diverse as possible, unlike the games industry and so many industry's in male dominated 'tech world'. 

The talks were inspiring and powerful, with some great sources and shocking statistics which will be of help when I start writing my dissertation.

It was especially great to hear from Tania Baltista who is a VR Animator at Found studios and now Golden Wolf and find out her workflow, as she is the epitome of where I want to be in industry. 

At the end of the day we set into groups to create something in VR with great help from Harvey Ball and his VRTK which allowed us to achieve that In just an hour. Here is a video which I feature in about the Unity workshops, created by VR Focus:

This was a great experience working with likeminded people interested in VR, and getting to know Harvey Ball and Catherine Allen will be invaluable for the future. 

Today was an amazing learning curve, I have learnt a lot about the VR industry and the current gender gap which is emerging.. Dr Sarah Atkinson exposed the lack of diversity in the animation and games throughout time, which was another learning curve. Overall a valuable experience ! 

Here's an all round video about the initiative which I also feature in:

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