Thursday 31 August 2017

Leeds 360 Meetup - 25th May

This was the first VR meetup I had ever attended and the one to kickstart my summer of VR.

While this meetup was a small turnout, it was a great chance to talk with everyone. I came to the meetup early to meet (a 360 company based in Leeds) and talk about being a runner on one of their 360 shoots, I also helped them demo the Gear VR.

I also talked with Simon Barratt from Cooperative Innovations who did a great talk on Raiders of Erda.

I really enjoyed talking to a bunch of people for the first time who share the same enthusiasm for VR as me, with this common interest it was so easy to network and talk to people. With VR being a relatively new industry, it is still exciting people, with this collective excitement in the room it really aids with approaching random people and making new connections. The freshness of VR as a medium for developers also means that there are hurdles because of the research involved and lack of help available at this time, so in a way that means we are all stuck in this VR boat together, meaning more people are likely to connect with you because the more contacts you have in the VR industry the more people you can approach for help. Because I have such a passion for VR, when I talk to people my excitement comes through, and it makes me more confident in conversing.

This successful networking session has made me driven to attend as many of these events as I can over the summer and throughout my 3rd year.

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