Thursday 31 August 2017

Exploring Digital Futures Festival Scarborough - 26/27th May

Woop! I am writing this blog from Scarborough after an exhilarating day. Sooo much has happened that I had to write this post now before I forget such a great day it has been.

I knew about a VR festival coming to Scarborough around November time, finally when the tickets were released I found the prices to be far too high for what I was able to make... But thanks to my wonderful tutor Annabeth who contacted Zoe (festival organiser) and after recommending me and passing my details on, I was given the chance to volunteer at the festival! By bringing my HTC Vive to be a Tilt Brush host just like LYFF, but also having the chance to show off my own work too to industry VR professionals and the general public. Exciting times.

Setup went smoothly, there were no technical glitches! A few VR stations had to be shifted around from being too close and getting interference but when they were moved everything was fine.

I even got the chance to attend the talks I wanted to, like this talk from Sarah Jones about storytelling in VR:

She explored VR being used for tattoo pain relief, as your heart rate drops significantly drops when in VR being tattooed. 

When immersing people into her environments she included smells of the virtual environment around the spectator in tuppaware boxes, therefore capturing the very essence of the environment increasing that immersion significantly. I got excited after hearing this and would love to incorporate this myself.

She said that narrative isn't important because your creating an experience. Experiential takes what they want from the story.

 Immersive theatre. Computers as theatre. Embodying specific reality. 

We had Jan Bee a fashion designer for theatre pop by and try out the mannequin on Tilt Brush!

And Marcus Romer:

It was great to see Cat and Tom from Blue Zoo again and experience HooDoo again.

I was even trusted to demo HooDoo the next day to the general public, where it got great reactions.

I also was part of a panel talk on art and VR!

Which was a nerve-wracking and also thrilling experience. I found confidence through the passion and knowledge of the subject I was talking about, being so passionate about VR I found it easy to talk about infront of so many people.

On the 2nd day of the festival, it was all about the general public and giving children the chance to experience Tilt Brush, to which one child created this;

Seeing peoples first times in VR will never get old! Especially with enthusiastic children.

I really enjoyed being a Tilt Brush host, at LYFF and EDF and hope to host my VR at more events in the future, its just so fun watching people experience VR for the first time, time went by so fast just like LYFF, and I can't wait to do it again. Being at LYFF before EDF meant I brought a lot of experience with me and methods of how to host Tilt Brush, which definitely helped things run smoothly at EDF.

Volunteering and hosting at EDF allowed me to make many more exciting contacts and has actually opened many many doors...  I have taken a lot from the talks which will aid me in my VR ventures in my final year too. The panel talk was a HUGE confidence boost for me and a beneficial experience, developing those skills in public speaking and it also put me in the limelight for many people to come up to me afterwards.

I took photos of all the Tilt Brush creations and uploaded them onto a google photos gallery for the theatre and organisers to promote;

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