Friday 8 September 2017

Hackcess Reality - VR 4 Good - 8th Sept

Today I had the pleasure of attending a VR Hackaton based around the aspect of accessibility! A whole day making something in VR for the social good, something I haven't yet achieved.

The day took off with a series of talks, fuelling inspo from a series of awesome professionals.

VR-EP for example were amazing, they have created a VR experience replicating the visual impairments of dementia. This was an amazing learning curve for me because you only ever hear about dementia's mental effects, never the physical... But to find out about the discolouration and visual effects of dementia, was shocking to experience... To experience what it is like to look through the eyes of someone with the illness, is moving and also aids in feeling that empathy for the individual.

I was so inspired by Hectors talk from Microsoft, so much so I decided to go with the AR team in the hackathon, to create an accessable tool utilising AR and the Hololense. Having done a lot of VR, I relished in the opportunity to try and learn something new.

It was amazing, so lightweight and efficient. The narrow field of view surprised me, I expected to be able to see EVERYTHING instantly. It was easy to forget that I was even wearing the kit at times, such a change from VR, and refreshing!

Our team came up with the innovate idea of creating a platform to find the most accessable routes to commute... Like Google Maps has car, bike and walk travel, we proposed to add the 'accessable' option including most quite routes to your destination, for those who are noise sensitive, and the most wheelchair accessable routes too! Considering pavement conditions etc.. There will also be a user platform meaning people can add live updates to locations, for example road works and pot holes that suddenly occur. Through the AR element, arrows will aid in directing the user and other visuals.

Obviously in a day hackathon we would NOT be able to produce all this, so for the hack we just did a demo scene on the Hololense, placing some arrows in AR space to show the most accessable route out the building.

I learnt so much from this, it was great meeting so many more new people in the VR and AR world! And also catching up with the amazing individuals I have gotten to know through this VR summer!

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