Friday 1 September 2017

VR Manchester VIII

This VR Manchester meetup was probably the most enjoyable meet-up I have been too yet, it was just like catching up with friends! Everyone who I had connected with at the lab was there and everyone who I keep seeing at all the other VR events. I'm really happy that it has got to the stage where im starting to creep into this VR bubble and know everyone in it.

There was a post-lab run down from Mark Ashmore at the lab and also a great talk on CaraVR a new 360 stitching tool from Foundry.

Also got the change to try out 'The Lost Bear' by Fabrik games on PSVR. Such a refreshing experience! With VR you expect CG but the guys at Fabrik bravely tackled VR with a traditional touch, using after effects animated sprites to create this cut-out, pop-up storybook aesthetic. Inside the game you remain a spectator to the whole thing, observing rather than experiencing, the game plays infront of you like a cinema screen, but aesthetically resembling that of a children's book open infront of you. As immersive qualities are considered, the game is immersive in the aspect that as your sat down, leaves fall like in the game infront of you, including you in what your playing and watching.. However compared to other VR games which include character intractability and locomotion, which are very immersive qualities, the game wasn't so immersive in that respect. But it set out from the start to be different from all those other games, breaking the currently set VR boundaries, a brave and brilliant decision because they have created something original, beautiful and  most importantly... enjoyable! A masterpiece of interactive immersive theatre!

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