Friday 1 September 2017

VR Artists Development Lab MMU Evaluation

Over the past 4 days I attended a VR Lab in Manchester

Day 1 consisted of workshops, tilt bush and 3DS Max, two softwares I kind of knew how to already, but it was great all the same. I also was there to be of aid to other people:

What we modelled with the software we then took into Unity and viewed through VR in Unity which was great.

The labs space was refreshing and very creatively stimulating. 

Day 2 consisted of splitting into groups depending on roles. There was only me who was a developer, we had no coders in our team, the rest of my teammates were idea generators, managers and people who have a great enthusiasm in VR but haven't made anything in VR or even touched the software, but we still made something amazing!

Day 3 and 4 was the development process. Our idea shifted so many times, we wanted to capture emotion and meaning but found all our ideas in this area were too heavy and needed a lot of morals and research considered.. So we landed upon a simple game idea where you had to collect the 4 elements from different zones to create a new world after an apocalyptic situation. So it didn't have the deep narrative that we all wanted, but it was achievable and fun! 

I set to work and on my own with coding help from some awesome people I managed to create our game! I was so happy with what I had single handily achieved in 2 days ! My team members we're awesome in testing out the game till it finally reached it resolve. 

Everyone else's ideas had been very narrative based which was brilliant, but the interactivity we had added into ours made for an exciting and fun game that everyone wanted to go on more than anyone else's. Which highlighted to me something very powerful... You can make an experience which is deep and full of complex meanings, but at the end of the day, is it going to rake in the money??? How popular our VR experience was says otherwise... 

All in all, it has been such a valuable experience, it all worked out fantastic and I am happy with what we have achieved. Working together with previously unknown people who share this same interest in VR has been great in establishing those key collaboration skills.

People really wanted to try our game, and enjoyed themselves whilst experiencing! Thats what you want the most with VR, to excite and engage and we achieved that well.

A video was also made about the lab where I am interviewed in:

The lab has also been amazing in establishing contacts, getting to know the VR Manchester team and everyone in the lab from coders to artists, all wonderful connections. It is also great to know this lab will be a continuous thing, meaning i will get to see the same people over and over, sealing those connections, who knows in the future we may have a VR studio created!? Can't wait for more.

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