Monday 20 November 2017

VR Arts Lab - 17th-19th Nov

Bring on round 2 of the lab!

Day 1.
It was very exciting to arrive back in the Shed, ready for some VR making.. The brief was set, to create a storytelling VR experience influenced by Ready Player 1. (one way or another) This day was all about idea generation and narrative stimulation, and really considering what makes good and bad VR. I even did a presentation of my 31 days in VR for Inktober. Our team this time is very balanced, a perfect and even match of skills. It took us a while to finalize on an idea and make everyone happy and passionate but we finally got there!

Day 2.
With the foundations of our idea established it was time to create. Our idea, inspired by chapter 19 of Ready Player 1, explored a room where a person lays motionless within their dirty, unkempt apartment. The narrative is one encouraging discovery. The spectator is the author of the narrative, by exploring the environment you uncover pieces of the narrative surrounding this person, why they have abandoned the real and who they are. If you go close to the person, you can actually take off their headset and from lifting too your eyes, you see the world they are viewing, which is infact new memories. This motionless individual is plugged into a software called 'Replay' a software that lets you 'replay' your memories and in doing so, change them. From this we piece even more of a narrative together from this person... I feel our narrative idea really targets what VR storytelling is all about and is tailored very well for it

My part in the production process is the 3D creation of environmental assets, and UV mapping and texturing, ready too export to Unity.

Day 3
Production continues, assets are combined and full interactivity added. We had a little complication getting my materials across from the FBX files but I soon resolved that. I also created our teams production diary video, as well as the stitching of the 360 video memory experience.

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