Wednesday 8 November 2017

LIFF VIP Opening Gala

Me? VIP?

Because I was running workshop at the festival it meant I got a free VIP pass into the opening gala where I got to see the opening film, 'The Square'.

I first enjoyed a networking session in the Town Halls underground forest bar, the best type of bar. Really nice atmosphere too.

What was fantastic was seeing the 4 Sparks campaign outside, with my face on.

Had to get another picture.

I haven't really seen much independant avante garde cannes type films before, so I didn't have high expectations of the The Square. But I was wrong, I really really enjoyed it! Very powerful and emotive, highlighting the many flaws in art culture and our society as a whole, it made you think... As well as laugh and gasp. From an artistic perspective it was very aesthetic, strong compositions and repetition of 'the square' through composition was fantastic, I really liked that. I can see me watching more of these films now, I can't believe I have never given them time before.

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