Wednesday 8 November 2017


Twitter as a networking tool

From attending networking events, I quickly learnt that twitter seems to be the thing most people use too communicate and promote themselves, so I felt it appropriate to update my Twitter and evaluate how effective a networking tool it really is.

When I started my account I had 16 followers, all friends.

From attending networking events my spread reached to the two hundred mark. 

I researched popular tags on twitter, even time posting windows to get the most global reach. #screenshotsaturday is a great example of a popular tag for game devs, as well as the usual #gamedev #indiedev tags usually get a lot of attention on your game material.

I also tailor some of my content towards current trends.

Gaining popularity is harder with Twitter than any other platform I believe when your starting from scratch with no other major online presence, because of its more fleeting audience.

With October and Inktober approaching I felt this would be a great opportunity to practise my VR art, doing my own take on 'inktober' as 'InktobVR' Each day a different drawing in VR.

before Inktober I had gained 280 followers.

From posting my VR content daily for 31 days, my tweets gained traction. Reaching 78K people in those 28 days.

You can see the progression here:

My tweets were even being retweeted by Tilt Brush themselves due to tagging effectively, which aided in the exposure. I even worked out a sweet spot to post to Twitter for global exposure, and that is 7.30pm. 

By the end of Inktober, I had reached 400 followers.

I have loved learning the ins and outs of Twitter and using it as a tool for exposure. Exposure on social media is networking, as it's expanding your network of people. 

When at Manchester Science Festival, I had a company recognize my business card from my logo on Twitter, which is a great example of the exposure in action.

Through Twitter I have also networked through contacting people. From following Sumo Digital, I saw they had a Splatoon 2 team, so I contacted the members of the team by sending them my Switch Friendcode, and now we play Splatoon together! 

Through my Inktober, I have networked with Tilt Brush, to the extent they have personally contacted me for opportunities: 

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