Monday 20 November 2017

Manchester Animation Festival - 14-16th Nov

Manchester Animation Festival

Manchester animation festival has been a blast. My favorite and most insightful/educational talks were the Nexus and Seb Burnett talks. 

Seb covered the pipeline of non linear storytelling and game development.

Even down to the app interaction. Which was very beneficial for my area of study.

Nexus' talk was fantastic and everything to do with what I am currently creating, even down to the gaze driven material.

Heres the interactive pipeline map, very similar to Seb's:

Something I need too consider creating for my experience. I have had an extremly eye opening time at MAF this year, it has felt different approaching the festival with a more professional head. I enjoyed meeting with Claire Cook afterwards and having a long and insightful chat, and catching up with others.

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