Wednesday 1 November 2017

InktobVR - 31 Days In VR

For inktober this year I decided to do a VR drawing every day, InktobVR.

After each day I posted my 3D creation on Twitter and Instagram gaining an impressive following, especially on twitter.

By doing a drawing everyday my efficiency in Tilt Brush increased massively, I knew how to work around the tools and what they could offer me. I became quick at making 3D pieces, and stories.

I still used the original inktober prompts for each one, creating a whole story and piece of 3D artwork surrounding a single prompt each day. 

I was quite imaginative with my responses and really played to the VR medium with the fantastical aspect I injected into many of my works.

Doing this has given me a VR portfolio:

And has planted the VR artist seed.

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