Thursday 20 October 2016

War Zone 360 VR

This video allows you to be fully immersed inside one of the most well known war zones in the world right now, Aleppo.

Its chilling. 

To see a land so devastated and destructed. Debris everywhere, ruin and dust from the dismantled brick filling the air. The only thing moving is some fabric hanging out of a ruined building, blowing in the wind.

In this country I feel we are very ignorant to whats going on in the world around us and quite often possess the approach of 'if its not happening to me, its fine'. This experience physically puts you there in their shoes and forces you to witness it near first hand.

The arabic music intensifies the eerie isolation. The sound effects immerse you further, at one point you can hear bombs going off, something we would jump to, but something people there have just got used to.

I felt this scene composition of the screens when in the middle looked like you were in the cockpit of the plane;

Like you are flying the plane to bomb Aleppo, which was quite sinister.

If I was to some up this VR experience in 1 word I would say;


It really exposes the destruction these innocent civilians are dealing with everyday of their lives, meanwhile I sit here on a computer typing this with a warm roof over my head in a safe town.

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