Tuesday 18 October 2016

Game Creation - Finished!

Seen as my game can't be played on my blog, here is a video of it working and being played. My game is by no means perfect what so ever, there are a few bugs and glitches but I am very happy with how it plays.

My partner that I teamed up with for the Unity side also encountered a lot of troubles with getting the collisions and gravity to behave, so the process took a lot longer than expected and has therefore given me a great insight into the process, and the length of the process. In hindsight, a lot more time needed dedicating to the Unity process, I spent far too long focussing on Game assets and character rigging, but I have learnt now.

Overall this process has not run smoothly, I have hit many issues and problems, some of which I have failed to fix independently looking at tutorials. For the project I am working on now, I now (hopefully) have that tutor guidance when I reach a barrier that I can't get over. Many of these were within both Maya and Unity, especially with the rigging process.

I have learnt so much about the Maya rigging process, some vital skills I will carry forward in my new project which I am very excited about.

The visual aesthetic is very simple but I feel it works very effective with the simplicity of the whole game. I love how I have also achieved a visual representation of Boris Johnson, he physically resembles him in a caricature manner which I love. His animation sequences also convey elements of his persona. He jumps slow, adding the illusion that he is very weighty, along with the effort he seems to possess to run.

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