Thursday 20 October 2016

VR Editor Unreal Engine

Obviously my interests in the realm of Virtual Reality lead me to coming across this Twitch stream by Unreal Engine. Obviously the video may have been taken down now for now your reading this, but the stream showed through VR goggle perspective someone creating a game environment whilst in VR.

Effectively meaning you can be immersed in your game whilst making your game. This instantly caught my interests. He moved platforms, painted assets even painted the horizon. Being able to dictate your game on such a personal level makes you feel more involved in its creation, you become a part of it, another asset of the game rather than clicking buttons on a 2D monitor interface. A personal level you wouldn't expect from such a 3D computer dominated area.

Being in your game whilst planting the seeds of its creation also means you can fully visualize from a first person perspective how things will look when rendered. You can witness and organise effectively what the spectator will witness from their level. Moving things, adjusting things as you will till they look right in virtual space.

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