Thursday 27 October 2016

PPP2 Team-Building Study Task Review

Today was a fun day. Being split into groups and being forced to 'mingle' with other creatives was a step out of the comfort zone when it comes to confidence. It was great conversing with Graphic Designers and Illustrators, seeing peoples different creative paradigms and ways of creatively approaching the world.

What was even greater was working with them on a project named Banana Magnet. At the start I was left feeling a little lost because I wanted to join a certain group but apparently we still had to stay with our original set pairs but of course both of us wanted to go into different groups. The organisation of the whole day was a bit off. But the factor of involving with other creatives was brilliant.

We combined at the end of the day to mutually create a campaign of our chosen idea of a Slug Theme Park. We decided on a live action film with cut out components and comedic theme. Our comedic element was the strongest attribute so we played on that massively.

When we got dispersed into doing jobs for the production of our presentation, I wasn't happy to be put in the script-writing team purely based on the fact I was a confident speaker. I felt I could have contributed better to the putting together of the film itself, that's where I felt my skills lied. After writing the script I still remained productive by helping out with compiling the sound with the video together, even playing as one of the birds in the video itself in the end. However we weren't efficient enough as a team and ended up rushing the compiling together of the video, so much so we dragged the wrong .MOV file into the memory stick which was detrimental in the end as we had no sound to our visuals and everyones work went down the pan. Teaching us the importance of organisation within a large collaboration and how efficient it can be when everyone plays to their strengths.

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