Friday 20 November 2015

The Meek - Short Analysis - Skwigly Showcase

"The meek shall inherit the earth..."

I loved the meaningful narrative behind this seemingly lighthearted animation (on the surface....) and the many depictions that can com
e from it..

The narrative starts off like a love story, however this is instantly made a contrast when what is thought to be a romantic light turns out to be a cigarette.

The beings end up craving the warmth from the cigarette. So much so that a whole class system builds. One character sits on top directing the slaves down below to keep chopping at the ash to make more warmth. This whole stance seems to have strong relations to and could therefore symbolise our society. How we are governed by this body, to keep wasting away the earths resources. They are over-worked to the extent that they get ill. The characters' lungs go black and fall out, reflective of the illnesses directly associated with smoking itself. This narrative could also symbolise the cigarette industries who sit there, raking in the money whilst people smoke their cigarettes and die as a direct result. The cigarette could be a direct motif of the earth, the characters are the humans, drawing and wrecking its life force. Then when this is finally all depleted, we find a new alternative, like the characters do with this cotton-like substance. This therefore could reflect our coal-burning history, how we burnt coal to create energy, then how this is running out we found a new source of energy in the form of electricity.

The title also further reinforces my interpretations as the dictionary definition of "Meek" is: "A term referring to the kind and fair." This title is such a direct contrast to the animation that it has to be intentional, meaning it connotes of destruction and unjust exploitation.

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