Friday 20 November 2015

Grad films in competition - My favourite "Tusk" - Manchester Animation Festival

My favourite from this graduation selection was the short, Tusk. I found it truly enthral long both visually and in narrative. It possesses a hand-drawn feel on digital, however this us combined with 3D elements, which gives together to make a very beautiful animation. The character design and aesthetic is gorgeous. The narrative revolves around a mammoth that awakes into a new era where evolution has carried on without her and she ends up being neglected and bullied by the elephant species. They call her names and discriminate her existence because she is different, therefore touching on the very sensitive issue of bullying towards others in a lighthearted manner using mammoths and elephants. What I loved the most was the shot at the end of all the ither mammoths frozen under the ice beginning to crack and possibly awaken, showing this whole cycle pus going to repeat and repeat. The sound effect of a didgeridoo s used to show the mammoths primal and animalistic aspect and she is shown walking in the snow to pronounce her desolation from being different, their seems to be an underlying core to this animation saying that people should not be mistreated for who they are and for being different, individuality should always be respected.

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