Friday 20 November 2015

The Master - Short Analysis - Manchester Animation Festival

I was gripped.

A seemingly average narrative about a dog waiting for his master, dramatically changes into quite a captivating thriller where you are captured wondering what the fate of these two characters is...
A chimpanzee is introduced from a cage and the dominates over the dog and becomes the "master" and starts wrecking the house. You feel intense sympathy for the dog, this is cleverly done through cute character creation and its stop-motion movements.

The dog ends up being beaten by the chimpanzee, and abused. At one point they share a bed, this presented me of the underlying message of relationship abuse. Then unexpectedly the chimpanzee ends up getting hurt and are made to feel sympathy for him, even though he has abused the innocent dog that we have been made to feel for, this is a great technique. There is repetition of the light through the window showing the need for the human authority, and the possibility of imminent death, how death seems like the most viable option without a human master. Which is the case as the short ends in a tragic way with both of them being killed. I loved how it never even needed to show the chimp being killed, the blood splatter on the chair was enough to demonstrate. 

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