Thursday 22 October 2015

Who am I? Why am I here? and what do I want to learn??

Why have you chosen to study on this programme ?

- Because of the inner child in me wanting to make my drawings come to life. 

- To follow my lifelong dream. The desire to make animations has been with me since I was young whenever someone asked 'what do you want to be when you grow up', I always answered 'an animator'. 

- I work best doing things that I love and enjoy. 

- Animation allows me to create worlds and narratives to fuel my own imagination. 

- Animation will allow me to achieve things live action can't. 

What do you want to learn on the programme?

- Valuable skills in the world of work, improving my confidence and how to find my feet and make a living in the real world. 

- How to turn my lifetime hobby into a career. 

- The aesthetic that suits me best as an animator. 

- To develop skills in animation across all areas (stop motion, 3D etc) so I become a flexible individual industry. 

- How to work efficiently within a collaboration. 

What skills are your strengths?

- I am the ultimate perfectionist who is dedicated and hard working in set tasks

- I am a patient individual.  

- From my fine art background I am good at life drawing and conveying emotions on facial features. 

- I don't give up on a task easily. (Unless it involves after effects)

- I am quite good at working my way around a computer, both Mac and PC. And have a lot of experience digitally drawing with a graphic tablet. 

What things do you feel you need to improve on?

- How to work around the top end (really complicated) software (after effects and maya inparticular) 

- Balancing work and play, I seem to work myself down far too much. 

- My focus in lectures. 

- To stop being such a perfectionist to an extent as it can get very time consuming focussing on the most minute and pointless details. 

- My animation skills in general !

What ways will you evaluate your progress?

- Use a reflective planner to relect in daily, in order to see how I can progress further and see how I could of done things different. 

- Use the feedback received from my peers during Crit sessions. 

- Regularly assess my work in annotations. Thinking about all possible outcomes. 

- Compare back to past work to see how I have developed as an individual artist. 

- Critically analyse my work within blog posts. 

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