Thursday 22 October 2015

"The Art of the Storyboard"

I have been dipping in and out of a few books recently to absorb myself in the storyboard processes and techniques out there. I have been reading "Storyboards: Motion in Art" by Mark Simon, "The storyboard design course" by Christiano Guiseppe and "The art of the Storyboard" by John Hart. To any animator wanting to learn the basic techniques of the process of storyboarding, I really recommend all 3 books, they are brilliant and full of information. Before reading these books I was drawing square thumbnails as the frames to my storyboard, but I soon realised this was the wrong way to do it, you should make your frames rectangular at 1920x1080 in order for your shots to work out in reality. I especially found "The Art of the Storyboard" by John Hart most insightful;

Within all books there was a strong emphasis on how quick the storyboarding process has to be. This was then echoed with my research into examplar storyboards in industry, which had many different approaches to how to show camera pans and lighting yet were all rushed and sketchy."The Art of the storyboard" offered me great techniques on how to draw quickly yet in proportion, using a variety of shapes and offered help in achieving a more natural and "at ease" style to meet the demands of the storyboard, when used in industry.

This is an example of the rushed, expressive feel of the storyboards I saw mainly of in industry, however it remains clear and evident what is going on throughout in terms of lighting, movements and camera pans.

Reading Bibliography:
HART.J (1998)
"The Art of the Storyboard"

Oxford: Focal Press

SIMON.M (2000)
"Storyboards: Motion in Art"
Oxford: Focal Press  

"The storyboard design course"


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