Friday 30 October 2015

Scream Street - Competition Entry

I have taken the opportunity and time out my busy working schedule to create an entry for the CBBC's "Scream Street" competition. The brief is to create an imaginative narrative involving the two characters Dig and Lulu, in 20 panels and in 45 seconds of footage. I love creating narratives so I was really excited to get my teeth into it.

I firstly wanted to absorb myself in the animation, so I watched the one and only episode that has been aired, to get to grips with its style. If the animation was around when I was younger, I most definitely would of watched it, it has that "Mona the vampire" flare. What was a shame in the episode was the lack of inclusion of Lulu and Dig, It would of been great to see a bit more of their personality on screen!

I planned quite a few ideas, mainly all consisting of Lulu being cheeky and tormenting Dig, just because that persona reflects her perfectly and it's what was said about her in her CBBC character sheet. But decided on the narrative of Lulu stealing Dig's leg bone when he is asleep, and running off with it. She gets on a skateboard, but soon realises she has no way of stopping it because she is a Leech with no legs. As a result, she crashes head first into the bins. Dig is following and sees the bone lying "abandoned" on the skateboard surrounded by trash. Whilst Dig is distracted in putting his bone back in place, Lulu takes advantage and steals his rib bone. At the end the audience are struck with the comedic realisation that the whole saga will carry on again, with the shock reveal of his other bone in her mouth.

When I set about making the storyboard, I found it very difficult creating a storyboard with some unfamiliar feeling characters that weren't of my own create, something I am not used to. It has also been the first time I have created a storyboard for someone else and not just for my own use. This meant I had to consider a lot of things like how easily my storyboard will be interpreted by someone else. So this task has been most beneficial for me, giving me a taster of how its going to be in industry, and I have really enjoyed it!

If I had more time on the competition (without juggling college work) I would of paid more attention to details such as the variation of shots and elaborating on stage directions some more.

     My storyboard:

Animatic of my storyboard:

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