Saturday 12 May 2018

VR Arts Lab 3

Another fantastic VR Lab!!

the 3rd installment of this fantastic lab. 3 days of virtual creativity!

Here is our group video:

Unfortunately our group had a lot of set backs with both illnesses and lack of coding expertise. But we managed to still make something..

This lab had a focus on women. Inspirational and pioneering women. With the brief to create something highlighting the inspirational work of these female individuals.

Luca playing through our experience...

Our team was called 'suffrajitsu' as we had the brief of creating a VR experience surrounding the work of the Suffragettes and how they changed society.

Our experience started by being faced with a ballot box, but unable to vote. Then images and scenes of the suffragettes' struggles come towards you like a conveyor belt one by one. After you have gone through the whole timeline, your faced with the ballot box again, but this time able to vote.

It was fantastic working with a team of brilliant and like-minded VR enthusiasts, we had a good mix in our team but it was unfortunate we had illness drop-outs and access to technology was a struggle to us. We made a great working prototype.

PDF of our process:

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