Monday 14 May 2018

Study Task- Research


Updated LinkedIn

Only 54 connections so far but every day I will aim to connect with a wide variety of people to broaden my network, like I have done effectively with my Twitter. In the space of a couple months I have gone from 16 followers to 401.

I have created a title card, the same one from my Twitter to link the two effectively, giving myself that memorable branding. I have decided to use a personal picture instead of my logo:

However unlike my Twitter I have decided to use a personal profile pic instead of my logo, this is because I want people to be able to identify me in networking events. In my Twitter I like my logo better as its more memorable. A practitioner I was speaking too actually recognised my logo from Twitter... My branding has taken a colour tied with black and white, aesthetic.. this is reflected in both my linked in and Twitter accounts.

On Twitter I have pinned by showreel to my page, so new followers can instantly get an insight into my practice. I have also utilised hashtags in my bio to attract attention for my VR.

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