Wednesday 5 April 2017

CG Modelling for VR height map app

My partner who I partnered with to create a game app with over summer is now coding his own VR terrain height manipulator.

Using the Vive headset and controllers he has coded a game to sculpt the terrain, this could be useful for architects, builders, people who deal with geography and landscape.

VR is such a new thing that It's hard to find help for certain issues, so I think my partner has done amazing to create such a revolutionary new thing that I haven't seen any variation of ever before.

He plans to show it off at a Game Republic meeting in June!

He asked if I could potentially make some assets for him seen as I know a lot about CG modelling, I jumped at the opportunity!

He wanted both a gun and a light sabre handle, something Portal-esque;

So I got designing;

I felt it would be great if the purpose of the gun reflected its aesthetic, so I was inspired by the terrain curves, the up and down curves his gun makes upon the earth.

I also had to incorporate Vives handle for the controller seen as thats what the user will be holding and interacting with so it needs to match up of course.

Here are my final models;

He was over the moon with them !

I even created a little logo for him. He also really liked the colours, the black/grey, white and blue.

Cant wait to see them in action inside his VR!!


My collaborator has finished his game and here are some of the pics of my gun in action:

It looks awesome. He's gone for a nice simple lighting system which really works, it looks effective and the texture is really nice. The gun and environment coexist well. Can't wait to try it out!

Here is the app in action;

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