Sunday 27 November 2016

Study Task 2 SWOT test

SWOT test 

In today's PPP seminar we had an individual SWOT test. This allowed time for personal, self criticism and interpersonal critical evaluation. Both are as important as each other, however I feel I critically assess myself regularly in relation to my personal professional practise, so I found this seminar most beneficial in the aspect that another individual will be critically evaluating me, for the first time.

Here is my SWOT sheet produced in the seminar;

As you can see I have been very thorough with my self evaluation, an equal combination of positive and negative points.

Next I partnered up with someone in my class and assessed them, I didn't like doing this to someone else, even though my points all contributed to aiding his professional practice, sometimes it feels like your being cruel, but this is something I understand needs to go  because that's just how industry is.

However, I did like having a partner critically assess me,  I don't mind negative points, I want to know how to improve and develop as a professional individual.

Without seeing my personal SWOT sheet, my partner surprisingly write very similar points about me that I had written myself, showing how well I can critically assess myself.

My main strengths were;
Easy to get on with
Not chained down by an art style
Good work ethic

My main weaknesses were:
- Work too efficient
- Lack of experimentation

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