Tuesday 9 February 2016

Unity resarch - following tutorial

With my desire to test with games design software I took some time away from my other modules to follow a Unity tutorial and tech myself some C# and get a feel for this game dev software.

This is what I achieved:

The ball rolls using basic physics, it collects the squares and the counter goes up when the boxes are collected, finally generating a "win" text.

It was relatively easy to follow the tutorial, the tutorial was incredibly detailed and I have a gist for the software now, not enough to obviously make my own game though.

In my spare time (On the rare occasion when I get some) I will be following more and more tutorials to hopefully familiurise myself over summer by creating a game by teaming up with a computer scientist.

I really enjoyed animating my game in Unity, the software is easy to work and I enjoyed every second. 

Also over summer I hope to get to grips with some modelling in Maya and how to composite textures to make things look beautiful. On the sides I wish to learn some basic C# coding, even though the computer scientist I will be teaming up with will have a great amount of coding knowledge to make the mechanics run beautiful, whilst I stick mainly to the aesthetic part.

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