Thursday 11 February 2016

Doll Face

I came across this short and meaningful 3D animation.

The narrative follows a robotic creature, she observes a TV screen where she is shown a face, a facade of a beautiful woman. She mechanically starts to apply make up to her face to look like her. Then, she is shown another image, and another, and another. She keeps distorting her face, coating it to mimic the avatar on screen. The TV distances away from her, she tries her best to reach it but damages and breaks herself in the process. She falls and her face smashes.

This animation has a direct correlation to the media industry polluting our society with their twisted definition of beauty, and the pressure women face as a direct cause. What we see on TV, what we see on posters, it is written into us as a society to want to aspire to be that on TV, be that on the poster. As the robot aspires to mimic the woman on TV. She tries so hard to be perfect but in the end becomes broken. This could reflect how some women in society try so hard to look perfect, otherwise they feel they are broken and worth nothing. 

Also the fact that she is a mechanical robot and applies her make-up mechanical, kind of reflects the whole inhumane process of making yourself look attractive, day and day out, like a mechanical process. It also could reflect the mechanical way models are treated, they are coded for visual and erotic impact, objectified almost.

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