Tuesday 9 February 2016

Caleb Wood - Plumb

Coming from a fine art background, I was most intrigued when I came across an "animation installation" by Caleb Wood. This video "Plumb" shows his installation.

The video starts by showing Caleb Wood drawing these doodles in columns, doodles that when you browse down the columns you see the movement occurring. The doodles look great as they are, drawn freehand on the wall, but obviously that part of you wants to SEE the movement happening visually infront of you, which Caleb surprised me with showing 40 seconds in as he took pictures of each of the doodles in order and put them together as an animation, which was truly mesmirising. What I found most entrancing is how you could see the left and right hand columns also moving in your peripheral as you focus on the middle action. It is unique and original, something I have never seen before. The messy aesthetic is perfect, its come straight from the brain onto the wall, its free and full of spirit and charm, I love it.

What I fins also really special is how the animation stands alone on the wall as an installation, a piece of art in itself.

This really sends across the message too how profound animation stands in the world of art. Animation IS an art! Thats what it shouts.

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