Thursday 21 January 2016

Luis Cook - The Pearce Sisters

Produced by Aardman animations with Luis Cook, "The Pearce Sisters" is a humorous animation, shadowed by elements of a dark and gorey style. It tells the story of 2 sisters, who live on a seemingly desolate island and seek the essence of company other than themselves, most prominantly probably male company, however deep down they acknowledge that from their undesirable appearance, this won't ever be true

This lonliness and desperation for communication with other beings is later emphasised at the end when they have a tea party with their collection of dead corpses, the closest they can get to outside compnay. It then becomes obvious that this desolation has driven them crazy.

There is repetitive symbolism throughout, especially with the recurring motif of the fly, suggestive of they gross lifestyle, their dead feelings from the intense lonliness and the feeling of loss, symbolised by the escaping of the fly from her grasp.

The colour palette mainly consists of dark and dank, foisty tones. A great repetition of solemn, turquoise blues and greens, to intensify the morbid and macabre aesthetic.

I feel this animation is seemingly very ugly at first sight, but upon closer examination it turns out to be very beautiful. Lighting effects are used perfectly with many frames having dark corners creating a dark atmosphere beyond the frame. Even compositions are beautiful, my favourite shot being the birds eye view of the boat as the rain shoots down zooming in on them.

Animated digitally, I love the paper cut out 2D block style it has, it almost looks like its a narrated novel thats come to life.

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