Thursday 21 January 2016

Gloam - David Elwell and Gareth Hughes

What makes this CG short so beautiful to me is the cinematography and character design. I love how the character is composited in bark from the trees, with 2 horns in the shape of tree branches, signifying he is at one with his environment. I love how he blends into the environment so well, yet stands out as a creature that doesn't exist. The whole colour scheme is lacking, the colours are almost greyscale in tone which sets quite a bleak filter over the animation. This instantly makes you think he is an evil and scary creature, when in reality from his personality we get a sense that he is quite loveable. His movements are fluid and graceful, not flickery and creepy. This greyscale tone could therefore reflect the monster being in a difficult and hard situation and is seeking refuge. (the light source)

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