Saturday 28 January 2017

The immersiveness of VR

Through my interview with a game director from Supermassive Games, I was enlightened with a few videos which I really wanted to post about because I think they stand as a brilliant example to how immersive VR is.

Oculus Rift Diorama No.2 : Der Grosse Gottlieb

This VR experiment not only immerses you visually but physically too. An experiment where you are physically put onto some stacked wobbly tables, and also virtually you are lifted high into the sky. This concept really interests me to trial out myself as its a really effective method of immersion, adding that extra depth to the virtual scene. Like placing objects in the room that are in the same position as witnessed in VR, like the use of the fan too in on the subjects in the video to create the atmosphere of wind which is displayed to the user in adds believability, increases immersion to the extent you think its actually real. VR utilises both sight and sound, with the inclusion of touch as present in this video, adds physicality, all senses are surrendered into the virtual realm, with this, what is possible??

This video also displays the immersiveness of VR and how easy it is to get carried way and demand more from your virtual surroundings. When faced with a blank room and a floor with one square tile disclosing a room below, the subject goes down on the floor to try see below... However, the floor in VR is the floor in real life, meaning he cant actually see below and bangs his head as a result which is amusing.

These videos have displayed some very interesting theories to me... Many which I really want to test and trial out, making my own CG virtual environments for someone to explore, experience and attach to emotionally... Probe those connections..

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