Thursday 5 January 2017

Cocoon VR - Nexus Studios

From having a fine artist background, I really admire contemporary conceptual installations. The animation company Nexus have tried their hand at combining both the art of installation and Virtual Reality, two of my favorite things in the art world combined, what could go wrong??

Absolutly nothing.

If you have patience, open mind and an artistic eye, this animated installation is perfect. Having all these 3 qualities myself, I was instantly immersed and left thinking, what does this mean???

At first I had visions of an apocalyptic scene with the building crumbling down, the tiny funnel of light at the top suddenly widening and succumbing all your vision till the next architectural structure is exposed. The realistic sound effects really involve you in the essence of the destruction, and make the world more real, the echoing giving the room both substance and life.

Next I was hit with a very disorientating cubic room of flashing light and heightened sound effects. The visuals and sound effects combing to create a very mechanical essence. This is contrasted when it transforms to an organic paper like substance, the flag waving sound effect complementing this paper aspect. But the off-white paper is destroyed with holes in as if they are damaged surrender flags

What I interpret from this, if I was viewing in an art gallery for example, is the element of war.

The destruction of the building at the start and mechanical machinery imagery creates the war element, the flashing cubes as if showing pixelated, explosions and destruction.. The cubic element perhaps showing it was a war of technology, AI intelligence.. etc. Then the white flags, a symbolic symbol of surrender..

However these flags get burnt which in itself is quite a potent image, highlighting that even though this war is over, destruction is too far gone to revert back. Then finally we recoil inside the earth in a black cocoon of soil. This symbolizes to me that the war has been so destructive life on the ground isn't possible, or it was that destructive we are all dead, dead bodies cocooned in soil.

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