Saturday 3 September 2016

"Step Into The Page" - Glen Keane

Glen Keane – Step into the Page from Future Of StoryTelling on Vimeo.

When I was on my Tilt Brush, I came across a brilliant drawing of these dancing people, so fluidly and sketchily done. Walking round the drawing, I felt like I knew the work. So I found out the artist and I was so shocked to find out it was Glen Keane, a famous animator from Disney who worked on works such as Little Mermaid and Tangled.

I googled him and found this video, appropriately named "The Future of Storytelling", VR is the future of storytelling, I strongly believe that and am most enthused in the direction this could take the narrative industry.

Glen Keane talks about the immersion he experiences when he animates, how he becomes the character he is bringing to life on page. Like an actor of his own art, which I found most fascinating because often when I draw emotions, my face subconsciously displays the emotion Im drawing.

He described the act of drawing in VR like a 'dance', which is so true, your whole body is moving, it almost feels quite primal, going back to the times when people had no pen and paper to express themselves creatively and would express it on cave walls. Theres so much vigor involved, which adds another depth to the 3D artwork, your not just looking at something someone has sat down sketched with their hand and laboured over, your looking at something someone has sketched with their body, their movements, their spirit. Further reinforcing this is how Keane refers to the act of drawing in 3D space, as "sculpting".

He brings his characters to life-size form. The beast towering over him. You can get so much feel for your characters this way. Its like a way of getting to know them, their personality, all contributing to how they will be animated and effectively brought to life.

"The doorway to your imagination is opened that little wider"

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