Monday 9 May 2016

PPP1 Module Evaluation

PPP has been a brilliant module, it has allowed me to research into areas of interest and in the process, be inspired. Because of this, I have found PPP1 a very educational module, I have learnt a lot from having that valuable time to research and develop in the process.

Finding your interests and likes is vital for finding your path in industry, finding the process that suits you and the one where you see yourself. In my blog, I have critically analysed a wide spectrum of the animations out there in industry, and have found many areas I have profound interest in. But what has stood out to me the most and what I have got most excited about is Virtual Reality. Bringing my animations to life, immersing people in them, I am very passionate about this. Next I need to research obviously how to implement this using software such as Maya and Unity.

I feel this module has allowed me to develop on those key analytical skills too. Looking at a whole variety of animations ranging from 3D, 2D, Stop-Motion. I feel I have done well in looking behind the visuals and finding and analysing subliminal meanings. I have also researched from a wide variety of sources; reading journals, books and internet.

PPP1 has also allowed for that valuable time for reflection. Evaluating myself, as well as animations. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is crucial for being able to develop successfully. The "who am I" task at the start of the year, allowed me to highlight my aims for the year and set targets, then at the end with the 'Reflect' presentation, I had the chance to evaluate how well I have achieved that. (if I have at all.) Which was a great method of evaluating my progress throughout the year and picking out areas that need more focus onto the second year.

The Disseminate and Reflect presentations have been vital towards my communication and presentation skills, and aiding with my confidence issues. I really enjoyed my Disseminate presentation, I feel it went much smoother than my Reflect presentation because in the Disseminate brief I was able to express my passion by talking about the areas that interest and enthuse me, I found it much more easy to talk about that, that self-criticising myself infront of everyone in Reflect, It felt quite awkward.

The seminar and lecture part of absorb has been very educational. In a series of lectures we have been taught about some aspects of the industry, such as the element of Copyrighting, which has been most interesting. These seminars have also added value to our skills, having seminars on what makes an effective presentation and so forth, I feel I have learnt a lot.

I feel one of my weaknesses in this module has been how OVER critical I have been with myself. Being my worst enemy and all, I tend to be more negative to myself than positive, which could prove detrimental to my personal professional practice in the future.

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