Saturday 7 May 2016

Googles Tilt Brush

Being an avid fan of VR, to hear about a piece of technology that allows you to create art virtually around you in a 3D space, I was instantly interested.

This is the new Google 'tilt brush'. After watching this video, I was first questioning, is this real?!?!
I just wanted to throw my money at the screen. Being able to literally make your art, come alive, walk around your art, your art is off the canvas and is physically around you in your space, amazing!

This is the next step in art. One I am very excited about.

Imagine the future, a technology where you can make animations PHYSICAL.

You can walk around your own animations, meet your animations.

Animation is where you make your drawings come to life and your imagination come to life on screen, imagine then those animations themselves coming to life from screen, to reality, virtual reality.

Very exciting.

The video effectively starts off with a woman, in a dull room, drawing on her note pad. This personifies how normal sketching is boring and dull, in comparison to when she puts on her VR headset and is suddenly immersed in this world of colour. 

Not only do your drawings come to life but if you observe the video closely, the lines themselves have a physical shimmer. Your lines are alive.

I also love the texture of the brush. Obviously because its in 3D space, your line placements vary slightly with perspective positioning, so it creates this original texture, never seen before, because only this drawing tool can make it.

I also love how you get involved in your drawing, if you observe the movements of the people in the video they are so full of life, physically sculpting their art in space, it also brings that other depth to it, the depth that you have physically created it.

Im so PASSIONATE about VR, I would LOVE to do something with this.

This has really inspired me, and I am even thinking about plans to buy a Vive, in hope to bring my animations to life one day, its where its going.

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