For my reflect presentation, with it being a presentation of my academic journey studying animation this year, I felt it fitting to create a short animation to lead my audience into my brain to expose how I have really found my first year, the negatives and positives, what I have liked, disliked etc.
These are the questions I need to consider and critically answer within the presentation;
- What have you learned and also what do you want to learn?
- What have you enjoyed during the year and why, also what have you disliked and why?
- What mistakes have you made (in and out of college) and how have you learned from them?
- Has this made you consider how you do thing or will approach things in the future?
- What are your strengths and how will you develop them further and begin to apply them?
- What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address them?
- What did you want to get from the year? Have you achieved this?
For this animation, I decided to use After Effects puppet rigging to keyframe an avatar of me which I created in Photoshop;
I rigged my character and keyframed, I also then applied a cool tunnel zoom effect to zoom into an x-ray depiction of me;
I used purple hues to show the inside version of me, considering this presentation is all about me I wanted to add that personal touch and purple is my favourite colour and it is how I saw the inside of me visually in my imagination first.
I firstly tested making the pulse like a heart, but I didn't like it, it seemed to weird pulsating in my head. So instead I decided to animate lightning flashes to show my brain working, then I added another zoom to go inside my brain.
Because this presentation is personal, all about me and my journey, I wanted to also add a bit of my sense of humour because that has accompanied me throughout my animation journey, it is something I am never without.
So I was thinking along the lines of looking through a window into my brain to see all the information of my animated journey. The thought of windows made me think of the bizarre idea of when you zoom into my brain, my brain loads like a computer, like windows..
So I robbed the windows XP load up screen and instead of Windows I typed "Rosie's Brain" and I changed professional to unprofessional, for comedic value;
I then keyframed the loading bar to load and then I made a make-shift desktop to my brain, with folders containing the parts of my brain, For example; "People" "Video Games" "My lack of Academic Ability" and "Regrets", and I keyframed the mouse to open the folder titled "Animation"
Finally ending in the blue screen of death, that when the camera zooms out you see its because my avatar has fallen asleep...

This is my animated opening;
I am really happy with how it looks, I especially love the tunnel zoom, I feel its a very effective effect and it feels like it does physically lead you into my brain. I also like how I have animated my avatar waving, its quite child-like.
For the rest of my powerpoint I want to animate text, reflectively to what the text is about and the context.
I started off with a title;
using rainbow colours as a metaphor to show how colourful my year has been.
The animated GIF for software is mechanical in movement to reflect software.
In this text animation, I actually applied the basic principles of animation that I learnt during the brief Animation Skills with a bouncing ball.
Inspired by the ratatouille visuals when he eats food, I did a quite GIF to show enjoyment, with swirling rainbow colour.
These paint splatters represent experimentation, expressively splattered with a watercolour digital brush, all different colours, to show experimentation.
Animated with a charcoal effect underneath to show a medium I use in life drawing.
I animated a rainbow here , something I find personally very aesthetic, to pronounce the word aesthetic.
I animated this text to sparkle as if the text itself is perfect.
The word exaggerated, is exaggerated with scale and robotic is mechanical in its jumps.
Using the puppet tool in After Effects I made a bicept flex to represent my strengths in animation.
To show how I am observational I animated a magnifying glass to expose the words "errors" and "small details" to show how I can spot them.
The clock is used to represent my patience with animation.
The word weakness, is written with a thin font, which shows weakness, enhancing this is how it shakes like the text is physically weak.
I animated a see-saw to show my unbalancing of work and play.
I used a soft font to show sensitivity and a soft shell of unconfidence.
Yet again I used paint splatters of different colours to show experimentation
I animated this text from clouds, thought bubble dream clouds.
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