Thursday 8 December 2016

Zombie Animation for app

 As I am in contact with a computer scientist because of my game development over summer and future projects yet to come, I was asked by them if I could make a quick little Zombie animation to play at the start of their iOS app.

Because of how quick and little it needed to be I decided to use DUIK to get the best results in such a short amount of time. I also thought about its design and context. With it being an iOS app, I decided to go for this motion graphic style as that's all the trend right now with apps.

 Here is the looping animation.

As you can see it's nothing spectacular, just a short little looping animation. There are lots of flaws from an animation perspective I understand that but It wasn't meant to be of much caliber and with other projects I had no time to really spend more on it. If I had more time I would have perfected the walk cycle a bit more even though its meant to be this cartoony pathetic looking motion as that's the style I was going for.

They were very happy with the animation they thought it was above what they wanted and were really happy. 


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