Monday 25 April 2016

Commission from Leeds University.

I recently got commissioned to create a logo for an app that a collaboration of computer scientists are making in Leeds University.

The app is an app for waitresses which they use to input orders and keep a total on peoples bills, so it didnt need to stand out in any way. It needs to look professional but then still having the character of the restaurant.

Obviously the restaurant isnt real but it's menu is catered to a student audience.

So with my app logo I went for a quirky illustration style to appeal to that younger audience along with a funny side.

Considering the collaboration is named "Ibex"

I used an Ibex, illustrated him semi realistically with a certain messy, overlaid illustration aesthetic. With the humour aspect being his bib and fork hanging out his mouth. (and the fact theres an Ibex on it)

I feel this logo promotes Ibex as a unique company, what students want. The hand-drawn sketchy feel also conveys creativity in their food, and the green a certain freshness. But most prominantly that shines through is that innovation which stands out and makes it look different.

The collaberation are very happy with their logo, their comments ranged from "its professional and just what we needed" to "very tasty!"

Here is my logo actually on an andriod.

It stands out from all the CG rendered apps, which I quite like.

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