Monday 14 March 2016

Visiting Speaker - Zane Whittingham

Today we had a visiting speaker, Zane Whittingham, director of Fettle animations.

Zane discussed many of the high points about working in industry as well as the bad ones, like when it comes to laying people off, money issues etc. But he made positives out of negatives, being let off jobs and finding new work is just a part of the industry, sometimes the end is the start.

Zane showed us some clips from "children of the haulocaust" which instantly hooked me. I am very interested with animation being used to convey serious messages to a younger audience. How an innocently perceived medium can have a contrast like this.

I loved the imagery within these animations. The use of barbed wire, everything a motif of its serious and dark message. The heavy imagery of red being a symbol for bloodshed and war. I also love the style, the style kind of resembles children's drawings, all messy and scratchy. This makes it more accessible for its audience (of young children), whilst also reflecting the imperfect world the animation highlights.

The Nazi's are reflected mechanical, reflecting their inhumane approach. They have claw like hands also reflecting this and their animalistic behaviour.

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